So much has changed since the last time I posted on here. It has already been a whole year since my wedding... And my wedding really was the catalyst that changed some things for me.
My family life and relationships have really gotten better. Thinks have greatly improved with my father's family. I actually feel like now that they are my family as well, not just his. I never really had a solid father-figure in my life when I was younger, and I missed out on a lot of things because of that. But the wedding really seemed to change things for all of us. For the better... He feels bad that he missed out on a lot of my life. And is genuinely happy to have me around. They even invited me to visit them up in New Hampshire. Bob and I did go, even though I was immensely anxious about the trip, not sure how we would be received. But everyone was really gracious, and did not treat us any different than the rest of the family. My step-sister even asked if I would want her children to consider me as there aunt...