We spent this past weekend visiting Bob's sister Rebecca in the Arlington, Virginia / D.C. area. Sadly the weather did not cooperate with us very much. Bob and I left straight from my work on Friday evening, only stopping at the bank to cash my paycheck before setting off. MapQuest told us it would take around 4-4 1/2 hours to get there. But that did not take into the account that it was raining the whole entire car ride down there. It was literally like driving through one of the circles of hell. I do not know how we made it alive, but we did. Crossing through Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, and finally into Virginia.
When we got there, it just continued to rain, rain, rain. Bob's sister took pity on us and came with us to this little diner in Arlington, Silver Diner for dinner. It was this kitschy little fifties style eatery, decked out with mini juke boxes in each of the booths. Just what I needed after a long car ride there.
Rebecca's place was just a little efficiency apartment in the Virginia Square neighboorhood of Arlington. It was nice, but a little cramped for three people. Bob and I had to sleep on the floor and her heat was not on either. So it was very chilly and hard to sleep the first night there.
When we woke up the next morning we new exactly what we wanted to do, go to the Smithsonian! Well mainly the Natural History part at least. It was still raining when we set out for lunch and the Metro station into D.C. We stopped at this little Vietnamese restaurant on a side street in Arlington for lunch, Nam-Viet. It was yummy, yummy. I had Seafood Pho, which was a noodle soup, Vietnamese coffee, and Bobby and I split an order of Pork Spring Rolls. It was the perfect way to start a horribley wet, rainy day. After lunch we walked down to the Claredon Metro Station and caught the metro to the Smithsonian station. So many people got of the train there! The Metro Station was right near the Mall and we could see both the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building from there. Finally we made it into the Natural History Museum. All I really wanted to see was the Hope Diamond but much to my dismay almost everyone else wanted to as well. It was completely crowded around but I got as close as I could. Bobby took pictures for me though. After the museum we walked towards the Washington Monument. Bob had never been there before, so it was interesting I had been somewhere he hadn't. Then we checked out both the World War Two Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. But by that time we were all sopping wet and decided to go back to Rebecca's apartment. For dinner that night we drove down the street from her place in Arlington to Taste of Morocco. It was interesting to eat there, they had couches for you to sit on!
The next morning we got up and went with Rebecca to the 11:00 am mass at her church, St. Charles Borromeo. It wasn't your typical catholic church at all. They sang some of the songs in both Spanish and English. And apparently the 1:00pm mass is completely in Spanish! After church and going to change into jeans, we hopped on the Metro this time to Union Station, a funky little shopping center in a the Train Station. They had an art exhibit going on there were everything was made out of or inspired by Red Bull cans. For lunch we went across the street to Capital City Brewing Company. Finally had a Maryland Crab Cake sandwich there and a pumkin beer as well. We stayed in D.C. until only 3:00pm that day before finally heading back to Pittsburgh.
And now that we are back we have to pack again. For this weekend's destination, Niagra Falls!!!