Fall is just sneaking up on me these days. It seems that summer, my July trip to Vegas and my June engagement, were just days ago. But it is already October. I just don't know where the time has been going. As if to signify that autumn is truely here, right now I am on the couch while Bob has Monday Night Football on. It isn't even a Steelers game. Instead it is Green Bay vs Minnesota. And Bob isn't really watching either, he is falling asleep on the couch beside me. But still it is on.
Work is still truding along. My three year anniversary there is later on this month, on the 23th. I'm still not sure if they really appreciate me. I have been alone there in the office since last September and I don't think they are ever going to get me any help. Sometimes I feel like they take advantage of me and just push my kindness too far. And then there are times when my bosses are silly and nice. Like Friday when John offered to buy me a vanilla cappucino. I know I don't want to be there forever and it is not the best place for me, but logistically it works. It is close to home and on Bob's way to work. So for now it will do.
I got a phone call late last week from David's Bridal telling me part of my order was in. I don't think it was my dress yet, just my hair clips and slip but it is just hammering home all this wedding stuff. We haven't finalized a lot of things, and sometimes Bob is just horrible. A lot of things are weighing on my mind with this, I just wish I had some help because Bob has stalled with the planning.
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