Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quiet Contemplation

It is hard to believe that it has only been a week since the car accident. Monday itself felt like it was a week long... It is very jarring when you come face to face with your own mortality. I don't know if I will be the same person again. I was not hurt but now I am just more cautious.
We had to pick up our rental car on Thursday. So I was thrust back into driving faster than I would have wanted to. Bob in the new rental and I in his dad's Colbalt to drop it back off in Moon. Somehow I managed okay, but it was a harrowing experience.

On Wednesday we had our meeting with Father Ken Keene at Holy Trinity's rectory. He really does seem like a nice guy, but unfortunately he is unavailable to preform our wedding. Apparently he will be out of town during that week and the week afterwards. He did start all of our paperwork, including the request for a mixed marriage with the diocese, and said he would ask Father Barry if he were available for our date. If not he would help us to find a priest that could help us out. I have to pick up my baptismal information from my mother's and have two people contact Fr Ken as witnesses to my character. So this should all be very interesting...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Accidents Happen

I really don't know how it happened at all. I was minding my own business, going back to work from the Sheetz with my lunch in the car. And then all of a sudden this car stops in the middle of the road. The car behind it slams on its breaks and ends up running into it. And then the car in front of me does the same thing. I try to stop, honestly I do. I slam on my breaks as fast as I can, but still it is too late. I end up running into the car directly in front of me. All of this in Bob's Car! The cops show up and take all of our statements and give out everyones information. I called my work and told them, and one of them went to the house to pick up Bobby, since he was off for the holiday. They ended up towing the car, the front end was dragging on the ground... *shakes head* I don't know what I could have done differently. No one was hurt but everyone was really shaken up. My boss ended up driving Bobby and I home. We reported it to the insurance company but Lord only knows how much this is going to cost us. And Bob wants me to pay for it, but where am I getting that kind of money... I just don't know anymore!